Source code for mitschreiben.recording

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# mitschreiben
# ------------
# Python library supplying a tool to record values during calculations
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.3, copyright Wednesday, 18 September 2019
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

from inspect import getargspec
from functools import wraps
from six import with_metaclass

from .formatting import DictTree

__all__ = ['Record']

class RecordMeta(type):
    """A MetaClass to """

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        record = cls.__new__(cls)
        if record.is_started and (args or kwargs):
            record._record(*args, **kwargs)
        return record

[docs]class Record(with_metaclass(RecordMeta, object)): # 2to3 migration 20190915 """ This class can be used to record values during calculations. The class can be called to do the actual recording. Moreover the class grants access to the record depending on the record level and finally it is a contextmanager to control whether to record or not. The call "Record()" yields the Record-Object of the current scope of recording. Within each scope this object is unique. The call :code:`Record(key=value,key2=value2,...)` or :code:`Record(keyval) [with keyval={key:value, key2:value2, ...}]` records the values with the given keys in the Record-Object. The actual keys will be concatenated keys depending on a stack of prefixes (see below). The Record-Object knows this stack and records :code:`{"former|keystack|key" : value}` . By default no value will be recorded unless the recording is started. This is can be done in two ways. 1. Record is a contextmanager. A call looks like this: .. code:: Record(key=value) # No recording of key, value with Record() [as rec]: ... Record(key=value) # key, value is recorded Record(key=value) # No recording of key, value Thereby it is ensured to also stop the recording after the leaving the with environment. 2. The call |Record().start()| enables recording whereas |Record().stop()| stops the recording .. code:: Record(key=value) # No recording of key, value Record().start() Record(key=value) # key, value is recorded Record().stop() Record(key=value) # No recording of key, value There can be different scopes of recording by using the context management functionality of Record. As soon as the recording context is entered the level of record is incremented by one and a within this scope this Record-Object does not know what might have been recorded in an outer scope. When leaving the inner scope the Record-Object will be integrated in the Record-Object of the outer scope. With |Record().entries| one access the dict containing the recorded keys and values. Record makes use of two subclasses: Key and Prefix Key is class that provides some convenience to add keys and obtain new keys, which are used as the keys of the of the |Record().entries|. The keys may contain some information on the call stack when the class Prefix is used. As mentioned above, Record knows a prefix stack two record in which successive function call a value was recorded. A Prefix is added when a function is decorated with @Record.Prefix(). input .. code :: @Record.Prefix() def foo(obj): ... Record(key=value) with Record() as rec: foo(bar) print rec.entries output .. code :: {"|key":value} """ _records = list() _record_level = 0
[docs] class Key(tuple): """ Key for the record entries """ def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = (other,) if isinstance(other, list): other = tuple(other) return Record.Key(super(Record.Key, self).__add__(other)) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = (other,) if isinstance(other, list): other = tuple(other) return Record.Key(other.__add__(self)) def __str__(self): return '|'.join(map(str, self))
class _add_prefix_context(object): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, a, b, c): Record().pop_prefix() # Public decorator
[docs] class Prefix(object): """ This decorator generates a key extension depending on the method it decorates and the object that is passed to that method. This class remembers which methods have been decorated. """ _logged_methods = dict() _auto_log_return_value = False _Record_Reference = None
[docs] @classmethod def logged_methods(cls): return cls._logged_methods
[docs] @classmethod def autologging(cls, boolean): cls._auto_log_return_value = boolean
def __init__(self, prefix=None): self.prefix = prefix def __call__(self, function): if not isinstance(function, type(lambda x: x)): msg = "This Decorator can only be applied to functions. You tried to decorate {}. Changing order of " \ "Decorators might resolve the problem".format(type(function)) raise TypeError(msg) if not self.prefix: self.prefix = function.__name__ origin = function.__module__ BUILTINTYPES = [t for t in list(__builtins__.values()) if isinstance(t, type)] @wraps(function) def helper(*args, **kwargs): if args: first = args[0] if first in BUILTINTYPES or type(first) in BUILTINTYPES: pass else: first_class = first if isinstance(first, type) else first.__class__ # origin = str(first_class) # 2to3 migration 20190915 origin = first_class.__module__ + '.' + first_class.__name__ Record.Prefix._log_method(origin, function) if args: caller = repr(args[0]) else: caller = origin pref = caller + '.' + self.prefix with Record().append_prefix(pref): value = function(*args, **kwargs) return value setattr(helper, 'getargsinspect', getargspec(function)) return helper @classmethod def _log_method(cls, origin, function): A = cls.logged_methods() a = A.get(origin) if A.get(origin) else set() a.add(function.__name__) A[origin] = a
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._records and len(cls._records)-1 == cls._record_level: instance = cls._records[-1] else: new_instance = super(Record, cls).__new__(cls) new_instance._entries = dict() new_instance._prefix_stack = list() new_instance._started = False new_instance._level = cls._record_level cls._records.append(new_instance) instance = new_instance return instance @property def is_started(self): """ Returns a bool whether the Record is started or not. If False, `Record(*args, **kwargs)` has no effect. """ return self._started @property def entries(self): """returns a dictionary with Recordkeys and Values""" return self._entries def _to_dict_tree(self): """returns a DictTree made from the record.entries""" return DictTree(self.entries)
[docs] def to_csv_files(self, path): """creates csv files for the different levels of the record in the given path.""" self._to_dict_tree().to_csv_files(path)
[docs] def to_html_tables(self, filename, path=None): """creates a html structured like the levels of the graph (directory like) where the last two branch levels are made into a table""" self._to_dict_tree().as_html_tree_table(filename, path)
[docs] def clear(self): """this method clears the entries of a Record instance. Since there is only one toplevel Record instance everything is recorded there during its lifetime.""" self._entries.clear()
[docs] def start(self): self._started = True
[docs] def stop(self): """""" self._started = False
[docs] def append_prefix(self, prefix): """extend the current prefix stack by the prefix. If used as contextmanager the prefix will be removed outside of the context""" self._prefix_stack.append(prefix) return Record._add_prefix_context()
[docs] def pop_prefix(self): "remove the last extension from the prefix stack" return self._prefix_stack.pop()
def _add_entry(self, key_word, value): key = Record.Key(self._prefix_stack) + key_word self._entries[key] = value def _record(self, *args, **kwargs): """This method is invoked when calling Record(*args, **kwargs) and 'Record().is_started'. Arguments can be a dict containing values to be recorded and keys that are used to build the keys of the record together with the prefix stack. kwargs are used just as a dict which was passed as argument.""" for arg in [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, dict)]: for key, value in list(arg.items()): self._add_entry(key, value) for key, value in list(kwargs.items()): self._add_entry(key, value) def __enter__(self): cls = self.__class__ cls._record_level += 1 rec = cls() rec.start() return rec def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.stop() rec = self.__class__._records.pop() if self.__class__._record_level > 0: self.__class__._record_level -= 1 Record()._extend(rec) def _extend(self, other): """A (sub)record can be united with its (parent)record by extending the subrecordkeys with the present state of the parentrecordkeys""" for key, value in list(other.entries.items()): self._add_entry(key, value) def __str__(self): return "Record({})".format(self._level)